Here you can consult the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Open Badges and use of the Badges received
What is a digital badge?
It is a digital object which certifies the skills acquired by people in all educational and experiential contexts.
The open infrastructure standard (OBI) conceived by the Mozilla Foundation gives it the special feature of being able to support data and information rich in content useful for identifying the badge and qualifying the people who receive it. Therefore, not only images, which represent the external and visible part of the badge, but also an internal infrastructure; so, thanks to its "anatomy", the Open Badge is:
The open infrastructure standard (OBI) conceived by the Mozilla Foundation gives it the special feature of being able to support data and information rich in content useful for identifying the badge and qualifying the people who receive it. Therefore, not only images, which represent the external and visible part of the badge, but also an internal infrastructure; so, thanks to its "anatomy", the Open Badge is:
- Evidence based: it contains data and information capable of objectifying its contents
- Archivable : badges can be collected and archived online
- Transportable and transferable as it is interoperable : the badges together with the data and information they contain can be shared online and on the main social networks
Who is an Issuer and what can he do?
Issuers are all those who carry out training activities and wish to enrich the result of their activity with value by creating and issuing IQC digital badges for the digital representation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired by people in different educational and experiential contexts.
The issuer can therefore design, create and issue digital badges to users , share them for promotional purposes on the main social networks, on newsletters, company website and in the C-City of CBox.
Click here to find out who our issuers are.
The issuer can therefore design, create and issue digital badges to users , share them for promotional purposes on the main social networks, on newsletters, company website and in the C-City of CBox.
Click here to find out who our issuers are.
What does it mean to be an IQC Issuer?
Being qualified as an IQC Issuer allows you to create and issue digital badges, in compliance with process and content requirements recommended by the Guideline which is the result of the work of the Digital Badge Stakeholders Table (D.B.S.T.) .
The Issuer can independently manage the C-BOX platform having signed a user license agreement with IQC, or can entrust IQC with the creation and issue of digital badges in his stead by signing a badging service contract .
IQC Qualified Issuers receive the PDT C-BOX Issuer certificate customized on their own characteristics of use of badges.
The Issuer can independently manage the C-BOX platform having signed a user license agreement with IQC, or can entrust IQC with the creation and issue of digital badges in his stead by signing a badging service contract .
IQC Qualified Issuers receive the PDT C-BOX Issuer certificate customized on their own characteristics of use of badges.
What is IQC's D.B.S.T?
The Digital Badge Stakeholder Table (D.B.S.T.) constituted by IQC gathers representatives of interested parties with the aim of identifying a reference model for the representation, validation and digital recognition of skills .
Click here to find out more.
Click here to find out more.
What are the characteristics of the different types of badges?
The D.B.S.T. has identified 5 types of badges. Each of them is distinguished by graphics and internal content structure depending on the application area.
Open Badge: certify participation in collective events such as seminars, company visits, etc. They report evidence of rules that have conditioned the acquisition, such as participation in a defined threshold of presence in the initiative.
Competence Badge: they certify the achievement of a learning outcome acquired in a formal, non-formal and informal context. They are divided into descriptive descriptions of the knowledge, skills and competences acquired. They provide evidence to support the person's change of status thanks to the training and / or experiential activities in which he participated.
Job Description Badge: is issued for the representation of a professional profile and / or organizational role. They are divided into descriptions of knowledge, skills, transversal skills and competences in relation to work processes, assigned tasks, delegated responsibilities, code of ethics and behavior.
Functional Recollection Badge : is issued as a result of a service activity aimed at a relapse into employment and / or professional repositioning. It allows you to collect skills / experiences of the person both attested by badges or other documentation. It directs the marketability as a result of an orientation service activity.
Soft Skills Badge: is issued for the representation of the behavioral skills of the person, whose level of presence is measured through the use of indicators. It can be generated to identify a specific soft skill within clusters of behavioral skills drawn from international, European and / or national or project frameworks. The badge can represent a single soft skill or a set of soft skills.
Training Badge: It is released to provide evidence of the practical skills acquired by an individual through "On the Job" experiences, such as internships, traineeships, or work placements. It allows for the collection of detailed descriptions of the knowledge and skills learned during these short work experiences, providing a clear overview of what the person has actually learned to do.
What is 1EdTech?
It is a consortium that defines the technological standards at the international level of the solutions in the EdTech field and verifies their correct application, so as to guarantee interoperability.
CBox is the first platform in Italy to have achieved the 1EdTech Open Badge v2.0 certification, to guarantee the interoperability of badges: they can in fact be managed, understood, hosted and shared by all social networks and platforms that use digital badges.
IQC is a supporting member of 1EdTech and is part of the 1EdTech Europe Leadership Board , whose members are 18 and the countries represented are ad today Sweden, Norway, Spain, Holland and Italy.
CBox is the first platform in Italy to have achieved the 1EdTech Open Badge v2.0 certification, to guarantee the interoperability of badges: they can in fact be managed, understood, hosted and shared by all social networks and platforms that use digital badges.
IQC is a supporting member of 1EdTech and is part of the 1EdTech Europe Leadership Board , whose members are 18 and the countries represented are ad today Sweden, Norway, Spain, Holland and Italy.
What can a User do?
It is the final recipient of the digital badges issued by the Issuers. Users who receive the IQC digital badges are allowed to accept and view the badge acquired, keep it in their personal space ( backpack ) on the platform, decide whether to share the badge on the main social networks and on the public page Human Capital Competence , insert it as certification on Linkedin , integrate it into your Digital CV and insert it at the bottom of the emails.
What is C-City?
It is the public space on the CBox platform that collects the offer of badges created by Issuers , so as to give visibility to all users (even those not registered on the platform).
The visitor of the page, through a semantic search engine , can search for a specific badge of his interest and possibly make a request to receive more information from the Issuer who has it published.
Click here to visit the C-City page
The visitor of the page, through a semantic search engine , can search for a specific badge of his interest and possibly make a request to receive more information from the Issuer who has it published.
Click here to visit the C-City page
What is Human Capital Competence?
The badges acquired by people who decide to share them can be hosted in this public space of the CBox platform.
Thanks to the semantic search engine it is possible search for profiles of competent people with whom to establish contacts of a professional and collaborative nature.
Click here to visit the Human Capital Competence page
Thanks to the semantic search engine it is possible search for profiles of competent people with whom to establish contacts of a professional and collaborative nature.
Click here to visit the Human Capital Competence page
Dove trovo il codice di accesso?
Il codice serve solo per il primo accesso e si trova all'interno della prima e-mail, nella parte finale della stessa, con cui ti è stato notificato l’ottenimento del badge.
Se non riesci a trovare questa e-mail o hai bisogno di un nuovo codice, puoi richiederlo durante il processo di registrazione selezionando l'opzione 'Invia un nuovo codice di conferma'.
Quali sono le modalità di condivisione del Digital Badge?
Per condividere il tuo Digital Badge, è necessario prima registrarsi alla piattaforma C-Box®. Dopo aver effettuato il login, visita la sezione ‘Gestione Badge’ e clicca sull'immagine grafica del badge che desideri condividere. Si aprirà una nuova schermata con diverse icone di condivisione disponibili. Seleziona l'icona del social network su cui vuoi condividere il tuo Digital Badge per procedere.
Come posso associare diverse e-mail al mio account C-Box® per gestire tutti i miei digital badge in un unico spazio?
Per associare diverse e-mail al tuo account C-Box® devi per prima cosa identificare l’e-mail principale su cui far convergere tutti i badge e una o più email secondarie da collegare alla principale. Se l’account principale ancora non esiste crealo.
Successivamente, segui questa procedura:
Successivamente, segui questa procedura:
- Eliminazione dell’e-mail secondaria:
- Accedi a C-Box® usando l'indirizzo e-mail secondario
- Vai su 'Impostazione Account', seleziona 'Privacy e Dati' e poi 'Elimina account'. Conferma l'eliminazione inserendo la tua password. - Effettua il login su C-Box® con l'e-mail principale.
- Vai su ‘Impostazione Account’ e seleziona ‘@Email Associate’
- Inserisci l'indirizzo dell’e-mail secondaria che desideri associare nel campo ‘Associa nuova e-mail’ e clicca su ‘Aggiungi e-mail’
- Riceverai un codice di conferma sulla e-mail che stai associando (controlla anche la casella spam).
- Inserisci il codice nel campo apposito e clicca su 'Conferma'
- Una volta convalidato il codice, vedrai una schermata di conferma dell'associazione riuscita
How can I add a badge in Linkedin certifications?
Users who receive badges can add them in the certification field in their Linkedin profile.
Find out how to do it by downloading the guide.
Find out how to do it by downloading the guide.
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